Monday, November 12, 2012


I have my life to fulfill. I am obligated only to myself. Who be true to, Allen? Were I to know my final destination, where last I live and die, should I go immediately to wait? Should I try and cast off the other way and avoid the place of my obvious fate? How foolish and naive this thought. I don't sit and ask: Will I succeed? Will I marry? Where will I go? Who will know me? because the one, only known is I will die. I do not strive for death like I do not yearn for success nor marriage and where I go is decided moments before going, and, who knows me is not important. I will live! I am living. I am alive! The sun casts the shadow of my curtains across the couch and I lean my head on my hand propped by my elbow on my side, knees bent. What a tiring day in the field, late Spring. SE Texas humid and sunshine. I earned my rest today and I feel good. The blood flowed through my arms and my back is sore, my face burned, lips dry. I am alive! I have earned my tan and withered hide. My aching bones and muscles are medals I don upon my breast. Size me up! I am a big man. The sun stands towering and taunts me! I'm still here, it says. You quit already? This morning I saw the sun. As I arrived to the farm, centered in Pine trees, the sun hid away. The sky melted violet, then orange. I worked and the sluggish sun rolled through the air. The sun worked all day, lighting the farm, warming the plants, raising the dew, and it falls quickly in the evening through dinner to rest below my blanket. We split the chores at home. Our friend is coming. What for Dinner? What for drink? Beer to cool off and wine with our meal. Let Evening linger. We have earned our company with friends! Lets banter. Night comes later and morning later still. We've time to spend together. Come! Drink!

1 comment:

  1. hey! this is familiar! :-)
    "Let evening linger." is the best part.
