Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good Ol' Light Bulb

This morning I went to the fridge to gaze at the same options I see everyday. Eggs, mushrooms, garlic, peppers, Cass, soju, and ham. "Ugh," I complained. "I'll just make eggs with veggies again." I pulled out the ingredients and that good ol light bulb buzzed on in my mind. "French toast!"

The bakery is a short stroll around the corner, so I put on my jeans and jacket and stepped out into a most amiable, sunny, pleasant morning. Down to the bakery, I stepped inside and looked at my options. White or wheat. (Easy selection, eh?) The baker came out wearing his tall chef's hat. He pointed to a fresh loaf beside that which I was holding. The loaf in my hand was sliced and wrapped. The loaf he pointed to was still warm. He sliced it, put it in a bag, and charged me for the bread and jar of Strawberry jam.

I stepped back outside for the quick-step back home, started Dr. Dog on my iTunes, pulled out the bread, put away the veggies, cracked an egg, soaked a slice, laid it in the pan, and let it do the magic. After it finished, I put the piece of French toast on a plate and began the next. Once the second slice was in the pan, I poured pure Canadian Maple Syrup over the first slice. I proceeded to cut small pieces of ham and placed them around the pan. I flipped the second, let it finish, put it on the plate, started the third slice, poured the syrup on the second.

The ham finished, I put it on the plate to dip into the syrup. The third piece finished and I spread the strawberry jam across and ate. "Mmm! Mashisso!" I poured a glass of Dongwon plum juice and sat at my desk to eat. This is the best start to a week in I-don't-know how long! I hope Monday greets you just as friendly :)

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