Thursday, May 27, 2010

School - (by Oh Man-kyoung)

I have SO MANY English diaries to grade and it becomes quite tiresome. So many mistakes in so many of these diaries. However, I come across the occasional diary that has all the right mistakes to make me want to share with anyone who comes by this humble blog. Still quite a pain to correct but having some kind of quality that makes me appreciate having read it. This is by Oh Man-kyoung:

School -
first science,   and   science book   des whip out
by the way teacher test the min paddy
desk on bag      test easy and troublesome
headache.   the second time too tesk the min paddy
very tired. three time korean learn.
really fun and sad.
four time math test very be thrown in to confusion.
luchtime.   delicious food most spaghetti deicious
five time  school go into action   handicraft.
very fun and be thrown into confusion.
six time moratity story subject grandmother.
sad   Today is very happy

- End -


  1. As the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously, it cannot be transferred as such. Still, I get the overwhelming feeling that TS Eliot finds this poem far withstanding anything he could ever do.

  2. Whoops - meant to post that under my account - but - you know.

  3. really, i think this is brilliant
