Saturday, September 11, 2010

Solution to Qur'an Burning: Understanding… or an iPad.

"It's hard for people to believe, but we actually feel this is a message that we have been called to bring forth. And because of that, we do not feel like we can back down." - Pastor Terry Jones, Dove World Outreach Center

I need an iPad. It’s swank, clean, holds all my books, and doesn’t burn at 451 degrees (although it does melt with enough blow torches held up to it, but really, who wants to do that?) We have technologies unlike anything before, thousands of songs held in our pockets, an understanding of Outer Space deeper than ever imaginable, cups that hold your drink with a lid that holds your chicken nuggets! Yet we bicker like children, offended anytime someone steps on our toes, and expect each other to walk on eggshells around our sensitivities. Despite humanity’s technological and social strides, efforts toward true understanding are negligible. And I've grown sick of us.

As Krishna said in the Bhagavad gita, the Hindu holy text, "All paths of worship lead to God." It is to this end that we all must strive, this understanding that God does not care through which prophet we choose to find him, so long as we acknowledge this: God is beyond our ability to comprehend. This, everyone can agree on. There’s no need for burning books, shouting and prolonged hate.

The Qur'an is a book made of paper. The Bible is a book made of paper. The Great Gatsby is a book made of paper. The only difference is what they represent and if we get up in arms for desecrating a representation, this is idolatry. The words are sacred, not the form. So don’t worry about it.

I understand the extent of disrespect associated with the act of burning holy doctrine. That’s why people do it. But Muslims must employ a "turn the other cheek" attitude, explained by one of your prophets, Jesus, and ignore the small handful of schmucks. Christians must employ a “turn the other cheek” attitude, explained by your prophet, Jesus, and ignore the small handful of schmucks. Forget it. The people attacking your holy word are ignorant and not like the Christ they claim.

AP writer, Mitch Stacy documents, "Last month, Indonesian Muslims demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta…" This is fair. Be upset and tell people you are. What is so frustrating is the rest: "…threatening violence if Jones goes through with [the Qur’an burning].”

Why violence? To what end? People are so sensitive about things, then threaten violence as if this retaliation accomplishes some greater cause. Everyone is mutually perpetuating this problem. It's petty.

Speaking with my friend, she asked "Is that weird?"
"That people are sensitive?" I asked.
She said yes and I explained, "It's not weird to get upset when someone offends you. What's weird is how sensitive people have become and then threaten violence in defense of themselves."

When one is violent against you, play a passive role, a godly role, "as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Jesus teaches tolerance and love and these people burning books don't accept that. They show hate. And the muslims angered by such protests, ignore the same teachings of tolerance and love, and burn books back. And show hate.

Muslims now must recognize that these people do not represent Christianity, just as Christians must recognize that 19 hijackers do not represent Islam.

But instead, Christians show hate, so Muslims hate back. Christians get upset and burn the Qur'an. Muslims get together and burn the Bible. Christians burn down a mosque. Muslims vandalize a church. Christians are intolerant, so Muslims fight back.

Thank you who acknowledge the similarities – my Indonsian Muslim friend who, refering to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, says, “We’re all just celebrating our blessings.” She keeps in touch with her Jewish friend in Arizona who wishes, “Happy Ramadan, Ayu.” Thank you to the numerous community leaders trying to pull everyone together in the spirit of your prophets and to the architect who respects differences of any kind. Thank you to all who are trying to understand for yourselves rather than choose a talking-head’s side because they already have an opinion for you to adopt.

No thank you news media who focus on a church of 50 hate-mongers to keep up the debate, instead of any of the kind-hearted aforementioned. But I understand conflict pays better.

But I’ve said all this and offered no direct solution, so here it is. We could all agree to get along and collectively put a stop to intolerance and book burning. To do this we must endure a great deal of reflection, understanding, and inner growth.
Or, it would be easier if we just put our Qur’ans and Bibles on our iPads. No one would dare burn one of those.

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