Amanda and I headed out this morning to Central Market. She needed fruit. I wanted to give her company. It started when I saw the figs. I shifted several around to find the right four, put 'em in my sack, weighed 'em, put the price on, and continued shopping. Then I saw the bins full of nuts and such. "Amanda, wait a sec. I gotta get ... " I walked, searching, "some, raww... aha! Cashews!" I grabbed a bag and filled with 1.05 pounds of the delectable nuts, printed the price tag and went on my way. Amanda and I meandered around and I saw it. "Nero d'Avola?! How strange they're advertising this here. Not very popular, you know?" "You wanna see their wines? They have a lot." "Sure." So Amanda led me to the wine section and I gazed through the Italian vintners. I ended with the first bottle I saw, excited to find what, a year ago, seemed so rare. We continued. "Are you ready?" "For what?" We went around the corner. "The
cheese." It wrapped endlessly with refrigerators loaded with world cheeses. Some in the middle. Most cooled along the walls. "Oh my God!" I went through searching for something to take home and found the hearty bleu cheeses and chose one. Having finished shopping, we headed to the front to check out, and on the way, there it was, in it's bitter-sweet glory - Green Leaf, 85% Dark Chocolate. Without thinking, I snatched a bar and took it up front with the rest. We checked out, went home, and this is a picture of my unintended THEMED shopping spree. They oughta sell this plate at restaurants!
Beautiful. I was blessed by my first trip to Central Market a few months ago. What an amazing place!