Walking the damp pavement, the wooden soles of Spanish shoes scratching the grit of concrete in the quiet back alleys of An Yang City, and suddenly there were lit-pink rooms with lavishly dressed Korean women in exotic sequined dresses donning the windows. “Where have I ended up?” I asked myself. I still don’t know.
I watched, and the water still boiled!
Standing on my bed in my underwear, with a toothbrush hanging out the side of my mouth, I dive after a floating mosquito… and GET HIM! I also killed his two brothers. The trio of demons have bitten my right shoulder, left arm, and right wrist, and the night is still early.
Last night, killed three after getting in bed, and upon waking in the middle of the night, killed two more, and when I woke up this morning, killed another.... UGH!
Chance of Rain.
I sat at the coffee shop with my cup of coffee and my books of this and that. Two Korean girls with good form - I mean, healthy looking - sat at the table beside me with two cups of coffee and a cake to split between the two of them. They ate the whole thing! I guess it's Korea's "Ben and Jerry's"
Yesterday, Amanda and my two new friends Bol and Eunkyoung came over for an art party. We shared a couple bottles of wine and pastels and pencils and paper and pictures. It was a really great time! Bol and Eunkyoung brought me gifts. They gave me a Mickey Mouse pen, brownies, honey roasted peanuts, and FLASHCARDS! Now I can learn Korean for real. Actually, I have a test over 20 cards next weekend. Bol said that if I do well, they'll cook me a delicious meal! But if I don't do well, they'll cook me a revolting meal... but either way I get to eat! It was a good day.
Oh! and of course... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY!! I love you!
Oh to be simply cat.
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